Are you ready for paid speaking engagements, media appearances, learning how to land your TEDx Talk and More?
Perhaps You’d Like To Land Your TEDx Like The Speakers below?
If so, you’ll be happy to know in our new Expert’s Bureau we’ll be doing TEDx training like the training (people normally sign up for this for almost $5000) that secured these speakers their TEDx Talks.

Rob Dubin
Rob Dubin landed his TEDx Talk leveraging his bLU Talk just a few months ago and he now has a TEDx Talk with over 200,000 views.

Amy Ballantyne
Amy Ballantyne, another of our clients, is getting ready to deliver her first TEDx Talk.
Perhaps You'd Like To Get Paid To Speak on stages Like The Speakers below?
If so, you’ll be happy to know we’ll be aiming to secure similar bookings to the ones that have allowed them to book a single $120,000 booking, go from food banks to $500,000 in yearly revenue, Get to $30,000 monthly in revenue, to book double-digits in numbers of paid bookings in their first year, to get to six figures as a single mother and more.
“We want the experts we work with to have the opportunities to uplevel, to get more exposure, get more business, and to serve more people than I was able to based on the resources I had when I started.” Corey Poirier

“In working with Corey, through bLU Talks, he has shared with me incredible strategies to help me level up, resulting in me speaking at Harvard, and sharing the bill with Jack Canfield and Les Brown. He has also been a huge part of my journey to organically build my business to 30K months.!”
Rosalyn Fung, Intuitive Mindset and Visionary Business coach
Rob Dubin
Rob Dubin leveraged his bLU Talk to build credibility among meeting planners he reached out to
Emily Harrison
Emily Harrison went from food bank to $500,000 yearly in revenue.
Kelly Falardeau
Kelly Falardeau landed two TEDx Talks and achieved her first six figure year as a single mother after working with us.
Lisa Stamper
Lisa Stamper secured $120,000 in speaking fees after working with us.
Perhaps you'd like to get media coverage like the Expert's below?
If so, you’ll be happy to know we’ll be pitching you to podcasts and aiming to secure media appearances for you as part of the Expert’s Bureau.

Rachelle Babler
Rachelle Babler secured this magazine cover after working with us
Mary Shores
Mary Shores secured a spot on the popular Entrepreneurs on Fire show after working with us

Victor Menasce
Thank you Corey Poirier for the guidance yesterday. As a direct result, I’m booked to interview John Lee Dumas for my podcast on Wednesday. He now has over 100 million downloads on his show.
Victor Menasce, Developer, CEO, Podcast Host, Author, Entrepreneur
- Our dedicated Virtual Assistants using Corey's Proprietary system (one he used to book 200+ paid bookings in multiple years) to secure you paid speaking engagements (including virtual opportunities).
- Our dedicated Virtual Assistants working to book you on top rated podcasts.
- Our dedicated Virtual Assistants working to book you on major and niche media.
- Our dedicated Virtual Assistants working to get you regular non-paid speaking opportunities.
- Our dedicated Virtual Assistants working to book your on top rated podcasts.
- An appearance on our Get Paid To Speak Podcast. (Guaranteed for the first 40 who sign-up for the yearly package)
- Access to monthly Training. (see training topics further below)
- Access to exclusive (pre-recorded or live) interviews with Les Brown, Lisa Nichols, Michael Port and more.
..And More.
$2750 (or 12 payments of $275) – Note: This is a one year commitment regardless of payment structure.

The bLU Talks Expert’s Bureau is closed until further notice
Bureau Membership -
Yearly : USD $4950
Bureau Membership -
3 Pay : USD $1725
Bureau Membership -
Yearly : CAD $4950
Bureau Membership -
3 pay : CAD $1725
In the monthly training referenced above, here are some of the upcoming monthly LIVE training you will be able to attend...
- How to secure, deliver and leverage your TEDx Talk
- How to secure your own highly paid speaking engagements
- How to run your own seminars and events.
- What meeting planners look for (with multiple meeting planners revealing exactly what they are looking for in speakers)
- We are providing Author Training LIVE this time that will become an Author Program soon and you'll be getting in as part of the deal.
- What and how to charge for your speaking engagements.
- PR and how to secure it.
- Bestselling author training.
- Leverage training (how to leverage your current assets as an expert for increased visibility, and credibility)
- Note: these monthly trainings will also include time for break-outs and networking.